Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) Services

Your data subjects have the right to know that your organization is processing their personal data, and may request a copy of such personal data in the form of a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR). Our outsourced DSAR services can help you recognize, handle, and respond to the DSARs you receive.

Why you should outsource your DSARs

Your organization can benefit from outsourced DSAR services if you lack the necessary in-house knowledge to confidently process and respond to DSARs, or you simply don’t have the resource available to respond. You may only get requests occasionally or get complex data access requests as well. Our experts will be able to manage even those more complicated DSARs within the response deadline. We also offer our services on a pay-as-you-go basis, so there’s no long-term or fixed financial commitments.

Pay-as-you-go basis DSAR response services are ideal for businesses that receive up to around 20 requests per year, however, we can also provide a retained resource to act as your only resource, or to extend an existing in-house team, such that you have a dedicated resource to respond as and when required.

DSAR Response Service

In principle, DSARs seem straightforward. However, you may have several questions that come up as you try to process and respond to requests, such as what should you do if the requested records contain the personal data of a third party in addition to the data subject? How should you handle time-consuming requests or DSARs submitted on behalf of someone else?

Handling DSARs can quickly become a hassle and distraction, occupying your valuable time and resources. When you outsource to The DPO Centre’s DSAR team, our experts will provide the experience, knowledge, and tools to respond to requests within the stipulated time frames.

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How does our DSAR Service work?

We offer a DSAR service that is delivered on an ad hoc ‘pay as you go’ or retainer basis, where you outsource all, some, or just occasional DSARs to us as required. We can take care of the full ‘A-Z’ of the DSAR response process, provide just an advisory and oversight service, or perform only certain aspects, such as redaction.


  • Enable you to respond appropriately and in a timely manner
  • Remove the burden and distraction associated with DSAR responses
  • Significantly reduce the risk of compliance failure and regulator scrutiny
  • Assist in improving data subject trust and de-escalating contentious situations


  • Provide model template responses for communicating with data subjects
  • Provide guidance around scope, defining and conducting database searches
  • Conduct full de-scoping and redaction exercises
  • Complete delivery of response to data subjects
  • Handle all correspondence with the relevant supervisory authority


  • Immediate access to external Subject Matter Experts on an entirely confidential basis 
  • Peace of mind that you are working with one of the largest, most established data protection providers available
  • Removal of the distractions and costs associated with training and managing internal resources to respond
  • Implementation of established and verified response processes and standards
  • Substantial reduction in regulatory and reputational risk

Benefits of outsourcing DSARs

Allowing The DPO Centre team to process and respond to your DSARs can save you the hassle and distraction to your internal resources. Our DSAR service is used by organizations that receive only occasional DSAR requests, those that are struggling to comply with the required response time frames, and those that are at a high risk of scrutiny due to previous infringements. If you expect to see an increase in the number of requests due to employee issues or you are looking for an “overflow” resource for your in-house team, our DSAR service will be of significant benefit to you.

Designated Data Privacy Officer and DSAR officer working with your team

Pre-existing model documentation tested and validated across varied industry sectors

Pragmatic, straightforward, solution-driven advice

Experience and shared best practice gained from working with over 1,000 clients

Data protection services for sectors

Compliance with data protection laws is a necessity for all sectors. However, each sector has its own specific issues, market expectations, additional industry specific compliance requirements, and varying appetites towards risk.

The DPO Centre provides you with immediate access to Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and a broadly experienced team of data protection professionals. Therefore peace of mind that you are working with one of the largest, most established data protection providers available.

Whether you are within medical, care, life sciences, tech, retail, eCommerce, finance, insurance, education or a not-for-profit, the breadth of knowledge within our team ensures we deliver the specific sector experience you require and therefore, cater for your unique obligations, commitments, and needs.

Life Sciences & Medical Health

Software and Technology

Retails and eCommerce

Finance and Insurance

Education, Schools and Colleges

Charities and Not-for-profit

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